
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Q & A

So, I realize I've been bombarding you with video after video lately. My blog used to be primarily words, words, words, with a link or two thrown in... and then, since March of '09, I've begun pushing my YouTube videos into the posts... as they say what I want to say... audibly.

Much of the time I figure, why type out what I've already said (hopefully) so well?

I do a weekly video for a popular recovery collaboration on YouTube, but I do think there is much value in the written word. Sometimes it speaks to us on a deeper level. Sometimes we like to print out certain things as a reminder. Sometimes we need to see the words on a page to really get them.

I get a ton of questions on my YouTube videos, but I get my best thoughts out on paper (or let's face it, by tapping the keyboard and watching my words appear on a computer screen). So... I'm inviting you to ask me...whatever you'd like.

I get emails on a regular basis, but what I'm proposing is that you drop me a line here, in my comments section (of this post)... and I'll answer every single one, going down the line.

You can post the comment under anonymous or you can use your username or real name. It doesn't matter to me... I just want to give you what you are really looking for when you hop on this site, hoping for some advice, understanding, and inspiration.

You can ask me general questions, specific questions, even personal questions. They can be directly related to eating disorders or they can not be. I'll answer each one to the best of my ability.

Hope you're all doing well... ask away!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This week's video for the recovery collaboration is about Assertiveness. This Wednesday I respond to the question:

"What do I do to be assertive?"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lack of Confidence - Why?

All right, many of you are aware, in addition to my own channel, I am part of an ED recovery collaboration on YouTube. My day is Wednesday, which means I make a weekly video that's posted every Wednesday. We have 500 subscribers and counting. :) It is something I'm very passionate about and that is where many of the videos I post here come from. We get a lot of viewer questions and seek to answer them as best we can.

We've just implemented a new 28 day program. The topic of the program is CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEM, and ASSERTIVENESS. Everyone (14 of us) in the collab sticks with their day (2 of us per day), but we are set to answer a specific question regarding this topic each time. Check it out at if you're interested. So I'm still doing my weekly Wednesday video, but the format's a bit different.

This week, I responded to the question:
"How do I and others knock my confidence and why do I spend time with people who do that to me?"

Video to follow below. In keeping with the CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEM, and ASSERTIVENESS program, next week I'm set to respond to "What do I do to be assertive?" so stay tuned!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Advice for a Friend of an Eating Disorder Sufferer

My recent video in response to the viewer question:

"My best friend suffers from an eating disorder and I've tried so hard to help her, I've supported her, encouraged her, got information for her, gone to appointments with her, but nothing helps. I know I can't save her. I know I can't force her to get better. But I just wondered if there is anything else I can do to help her and how I am supposed to continue being her friend as she continues to starve to death."

It's 10 minutes long, but worth watching if you are a friend of an eating disorder sufferer... OR if you have friends who you don't feel understand. I hope you can take something from it.

I've been thinking of all of you and I'm sorry for the brief hiatus. Lots going on!

Much love! Here's the video!