
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


In this week's video, I discuss stigmas and how they impede recovery.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Difference: A Quick Lesson

If you have 3 minutes, give this a listen. "Difference" is a topic so often discussed, but we forget about some things that truly enhance its meaning. Let's go!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Recovery + Pets!

Welcome to our brand new web series! Arielle Bair MSW, LSW and Jennifer Durn, MSW, LSW merge their areas of expertise: recovery + pets! If you enjoy this first segment of our web series (Recovery + Pets: Positive Forces in Our Lives), be sure to check out the upcoming segments: Recovery + Pets: Dealing with Bad News, coming next month. Following that, stay tuned for our third segment: Recovery + Pets: After a Loss. Thank you for watching!

We are interested in your feedback. PLEASE comment with your thoughts and/or ideas!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Perfectionism as an Obstacle to Recovery

This week starts a new 4 week rotation, during which I will be discussing 4 huge obstacles to achieving full recovery: perfectionism, people-pleasing, stigmas, and defensiveness. Today's video is devoted to the topic of perfectionism, specifically as a recovery roadblock. Stay tuned for the next 3 weeks, during which the other topics will be discussed at length.