
Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Desire to Be Thin is Weighing Heavily Upon Us

I guess it's even come to this now: '"Diabulimics' shun insulin to get thin"

It's terrible--this desire to be thin; I always thought it was possible that things would become this bad, but it still makes me sad to read this article.

What are your thoughts about it?



  1. To be honest it made me a little jealous. And that, in addition to the sadness of the stories, really made me sad.

  2. I know what you mean, Sarah. But it's sad nonetheless. The desperation to be thin is so great that such measures are taken.
    It's okay to feel jealous. It is, after all, a natural feeling.

    I purposely don't post numbers (i.e. weights) on my site because I don't want anyone feeling bad...and I try to make a conscious effort not to post anything I'm really sorry this article made you feel bad. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted it, but the overwhelming desperation of the article made me feel I ought to share it, as it is in current events...simply to show how the poor women in our society are feeling...and continuing to feel...and how rampant eating disorders have become and are continuing to become.

    And also, I know so many of us can understand the way in which these women felt.

    Thanks for continuing to read this blog, Sarah...and thank you for your thoughts on this. Do you think it would be wise to remove this article? Or do you think it is okay to leave up? I'd really like your opinion. I want this to be a healthy, recovery-friendly place.

    Much love,

  3. Oh, I think it's an important story. I actually had read it somewhere else before I saw it here. It didn't trigger me.


  4. I am not diabetic but have dealt with this in a different way. Having cystic fibrosis, without taking digestive enzymes one cannot gain and maintain weight. At my lowest times, in my deepest despairs I did skip my digestive enzymes with meals. I guess as a bulimic that was just another way to "purge". So I would say its not just diabetics doing things like that though it is diabetics who get the most press.

  5. Hi Bekah,
    Yes, I definitely believe that. I'm sorry you dealt with such a thing. And it is so true that bulimia can have many different faces and experiences. I'm sure, of course, as you said, that it's not just diabetics doing things like deep sadness was mostly because has apparently become such a problem that it is getting press in the first place. Thanks, as always, for your input. I'm glad you commented, because everyone knows different things and has different things to share. I hope you're having a good week, Bekah.

    Much love,


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