
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Time Out

I've let the blog fall by the wayside for a little while. My wedding planning has me incredibly busy most of the time, and between that and work I don't have much time to write.


The invitations are now out in the mail...and the big day is only 9 weeks away. Hopefully that means more free time post-wedding!

I feel so neglectful because there is often so much I want to say and share, but I suppose it's only natural that when a person is dealing with something tremendous in her life, she put some other things on hold.

I'm just taking a little time out. Getting married to me is so so so much more about the marriage than about the actual wedding, but nevertheless there is still so much to do and so little time to do it in, considering I do work all day Monday through Friday. Plus, I'm excited and I'm happy and I'm just plain overwhelmed at times with obligations and appointments and to-dos. But as I said, the list is dwindling and the day is fast approaching. Soon I will be Mrs. Bair and on my way to St. Lucia for a wonderful honeymoon.

I have not forgotten and will not forget this blog. It's extremely important to me.

I hope everyone out there in the void is doing well or at least hanging in as best you can. I'm continuously thinking about you and wishing you well.

As always, if you need somewhere to turn or someone to talk to, you can always write me here:

I'm still using Arielle Lee Becker as my writing name when I'm married! :)

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