
Friday, May 22, 2009

Appreciate Today

Appreciate today. Appreciate life. If it's a fleeting moment in which you can appreciate the world around you, then so be it. At least it's something.

Don't let external factors bring you down. There is always something to appreciate in this life. Whether it be the beauty of a sunny day, spending time laughing with family, or talking for hours to a good friend, there is something to appreciate today.

Look for it. Find it. Embrace it.

Sometimes it's just a matter of realizing that there is some good floating around you. Open your eyes. Accept the bad, but don't forget about the good.

Appreciate today. You only get to live today once.


  1. I love this. I think that being grateful is key to being able to be happy. I started a private blog where I list what I'm grateful for each day, and I love it! It's like a game looking for all the little things each day that I have to be grateful for :)

  2. 'Sometimes it's just a matter of realizing that there is some good floating around you. Open your eyes. Accept the bad, but don't forget about the good.'

    This is really hard for me right now, but you're right. I need to accept that there is good even when I feel like I'm drowning in the bad. Thanks Arielle.


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