
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As of today, I officially have 200 YouTube subscribers! Having only been on YouTube since March of this year, I consider this quite lovely. This excites me, because the main topic for my channel is eating disorder recovery and I love knowing the there are people out there listening and getting some kind of benefit from my words. I tend to randomly upload a video or two of my crazy and entertaining mother...and there are two videos up unrelated to eating disorders (a slideshow of me and my husband, though it's semi-relevant because people often want to know more about my life, and a video compilation of my artwork over the last almost 15 years).

My YouTube Channel can be found here. Thanks to everyone for watching my recovery videos and for sending such wonderful comments. I truly appreciate it and promise to keep churning out the videos. :)

Love & hope to all of you.


  1. Love your blog and You Tube channel. I have you on my blog and will continue to visit. My recovery is from alcohol and began 11/24/76. Come visit me sometime. Love, Kathy

  2. wow - thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I was literally blown away by your kindness and enthusiasm :) your support is much much appreciated! Thank you for being proactive and having such a positive voice to sufferers everywhere. I'm going to subcribe to your youtube channel!

    lots of love and hugs,


Express yourself!