
Monday, November 2, 2009

Respecting Our Bodies In Reference to Clothing Sizes

This is last Wednesday's video for the ED recovery collaboration. The topic was: respecting our bodies and dealing with clothing sizes.

Click to view on YouTube as embedding is still not an option. :) And please, guys, send in your art to my Giveaway! I have already received by email 3 beautiful pieces and can't wait to see more!


  1. Oh god. I totally know what you’re getting at with "giving the numbers on the tags power".
    Once I went shopping with my mom, and when I tried a small and she asked if I wanted to try it in a large -I died!

    My world just fell apart and I felt like burning the store... With myself in it.
    The “large” tag just screamed F-A-T to me!! Failure! Ugly! And it ruined the entire shopping spree.
    I have come to accept... Nah, maybe just tolerate, that I am not a small. This realication came from my classmate. A sweet girl who is my size, and she always dresses in a small... And it really doesn't suite her. And like me she does not want to wear a larger size.
    Funny, huh? How a number is so much to us…


  2. You are so right. As I've gotten older I've struggled more with how clothes fit and look. Thanks for sharing your insight. Blessings, SusanD

  3. i absolutely love this.. i'm emailing it to my mom... one of the most liberating experiences in recovery was getting rid of my "skinny" clothes. it was SO hard, but after i finally got rid of them, i didn't have this arbitrary standard staring me in the face every day. now, everything in my closet fits. and if it doesn't.. i throw it out. i feel better about myself when my clothes actually fit, REGARDLESS of what size they are.

  4. This was GREAT!!! I never thought of it like the blind weight's. Thanks!


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