
Monday, November 29, 2010

Be Inspired All Year Long

A fellow blogger, Sandy of the blog toy with me, shared with me a fantastic calendar for a fantastic cause. You can read all about it (and see it and buy it) here and I hope you will. Words really cannot do justice to the theme of this calendar, so please check out her recent blog post "Why I'm Posing Naked. On a Horse" for more info. In short, she and other bloggers have posed in a beautiful and inspiring calendar to raise awareness of eating disorders and support the National Association of Eating Disorders in the process.


  1. Arielle, I wanted to take a moment to stop by and tell you that I admire you so much for the work you've done/are doing on this blog. Though I've never personally experienced the difficulties that come with eating disorders, I do know what it's like to feel overpowered by something (I have severe generalized and social anxieties) beyond your control. I applaud your strength and noble ability to help others by sharing your own stories and advice. Keep up the fantastic work! :-)

  2. Thank you, Alisha. I appreciate your words very much. :)

  3. I just want your opinion. I've been recovered for about a year, but recently, I've started to not have an appetite for any type of food besides cereal. I've been eating a bowl of cereal for every meal recently, and it's become a sort of "safe" food. Should I be concerned about this?


Express yourself!