
Monday, October 17, 2011

4 years & counting :)

Actively Arielle is 4 years old today! To celebrate, I gave the blog a new look. I asked for suggestions from readers and the majority wanted brighter colors - something a little more cheerful and upbeat than the black background with the black and white picture. And that seemed like a wonderful idea to me, since we all know that Actively Arielle (and Arielle in general!) is all about positivity and finding the light that's there. I chose purple to represent Actively Arielle this year, because it's the color of eating disorder awareness and the color of the fabulous ANAD bracelet I often wear that reads: ACCEPT YOURSELF...ACCEPT OTHERS. I'm an ANAD eating disorder support group leader and I find those wise words very valuable.

I didn't want the site to lose any of its professional quality by choosing more youthful and amateur colors. But I thought to myself - everyone who comes here knows this isn't another personal story blog, they know it's about real news, facts, and mostly - motivational speaking, encouraging videos, and recovery oriented help. And purple doesn't scream unprofessional the way it may have years ago. Purple is beauty and meaning (in this case) and bright. In fact, to me it even means Strong Woman.

So here's to another year of positive thinking! A little positivity (and a little purple) goes a long way! Thank you, everyone, for reading, for watching on YouTube, and for following on Twitter. I so appreciate all your emails and Facebook messages. I will never stop being a voice for you, or a friendly ear. One thing I WON'T be is a voice for your eating disorder!

Still working on some style elements to make this site seamless and enjoyable as can be. Bear with me and my hectic schedule!

Recovery is possible. :)


  1. Love the new design! I didn't dislike the old one of course, but I think the brighter colors definitely cheer it up without making it seem less professional. Happy 4th blogiversary!

  2. love the new look! Congratulations on 4 years inspiring all of us :) I really appreciate all that you do <3

  3. Many blessings to you and this lovely blog. I have the utmost respect for your work. Happy 4th anniversary with this blog! :)

  4. Thanks, Scott. I appreciate YOU reading. :)

  5. Happy 4 years, Arielle! I love your blog. You're such an inspiration!


Express yourself!