
Monday, January 16, 2012

Brief but Heartfelt Thanks

Last week I officially reached and surpassed 1,000 subscribers on YouTube for my eating disorder recovery/self-help/motivational speaking videos. Also just last week I reached and surpassed 1,000 followers on Twitter. I was especially excited by the YouTube subscribers number because it's a lot easier to gain followers on Twitter and my target audience on YouThbe is quite specific. I only make videos regarding eating disorders and recovery, so for that many people to actually SUBSCRIBE means a lot. I know many more people WATCH my videos without subscribing to the channel, so I'm astounded by the numbers. Knowing that I am reaching 1,000+ people with eating disorders is huge and important.

I'm very thankful to all my blog readers, all my YouTube viewers, and all my subsequent Twitter followers and Facebook fans. The thoughtful feedback I receive regularly is something for which I am very grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, watching, and writing to tell me how the blog and videos have been helpful to your recovery. YOU are doing the work, not me - and your recovery is special and unique to you. It's something of which you should be proud!

I also wanted to take a minute to thank all the YouTube viewers who do NOT have eating disorders who write to me to tell me that I have helped them with their recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, even chronic pain... and conditions beyond. And a special thank you to the video viewers out there who just write to tell me my videos simply help them with LIFE. It's proof that we're all people and our similarities outweigh our differences.

Thank you all again. Have a fantastic week!


  1. Arielle, these honors are well-deserved. You provide a service and a voice that is appreciative and respected by all. So congratulations on these honors of yours!

  2. Hi Arielle,
    I read a post that you wrote years ago about putting posits in public places, bathrooms etc. I have been inspired to do the same. On the bottom of each postit, i always include the link to your site because you are such a positive, inspiring person! Never stop doing what you are doing; people, like myself, are always listening. :)

  3. Anon- thanks so much for the kind comment. :) I appreciate that!


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