
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Recovery Analogies

This week's video is on Recovery Analogies. It's a little something different. And of course, positive. :)


  1. Hi Arielle,

    You mentioned in this video that you would share the analogies in written form, but I can't seem to locate them. I would love to keep them in my journal to look back on.


  2. Hi Amy! Thanks! The links to the written versions of the analogies of mine are in the info box of the YT video. Click the video to play in YT (don't click the middle play button but the link of the title at the top of the video box that says Wednesday Warriors...) then a new page will open in YouTube with the video and all the comments and an info box. Click "show more" where the links are showing underneath my video and the 2 links to the written analogies are there). I link to related videos almost EVERY week, so if you ever want to see the links I refer to in my vids, you have to go to the video info box, which is where the video REALLY is, on YT. I just embed the video onto my blog. Hope that makes sense. :) If it doesn't, just let me know by shooting me another comment and I'll gladly get you the written versions myself. ;)

  3. I found them. Thanks for the help!


Express yourself!