
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day #8: A picture is worth a thousand words...

There was a time I felt lost and listless...sad and alone...devoid of joy.

As I progressed in recovery, I found pieces of myself I thought were lost...I learned to love myself...I regained some joy.

As I progressed from recovery to recovered, I realized I was BACK! I loved my life! I could be happy!

The picture below is worth a thousand words - not because it's a photo from my wedding day 4 years ago and I was happy to be getting married (which I was), but because it symbolizes the sheer joy I had regained. In the photo, I'm already recovered. I'm happy. Not because of a significant other, but because I loved myself and my life and was able to let joy shine through INTO me and OUT OF me.

When I look at this picture, I don't see bride. I see FREE.


  1. You are beautiful both inside and out, Arielle. Love this!

  2. It's incredibly hard to keep believing that it is possible to recover from an eating disorder and to refind joy. It's such an inspiration to hear you say these words 'I was back'. You are showing that it can be done. That means a lot.

  3. yes, this is so beautiful. and it perfectly captures what you were trying to say!! love it.

  4. there are not words enough dear friend to articulate your beauty and fabulousness! I love you heaps and oceans. xxx

  5. there are not words enough, my darling friend, to articulate your beauty and sheer fabulousness. love you heaps and oceans xxx


Express yourself!