
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Apologies

To anyone who may have received a hoax email from me, I am truly sorry. My gmail email accounts were hacked, as was my Facebook account. I spent all day yesterday trying to avoid identity theft. It has been a true nightmare.

If you opened the email or replied, you are not in danger. The scam was to get money from you. So only if you provided money or bank info are you at risk. I have gotten my computer assessed (it is fine) and just finally got access to my gmail accounts again. I was not able to access my blogs (they are attached to gmail) or YouTube because of this, therefore I could not tell you that it was not true. I could not remove the hoax post or even log on to update a post to tell you to disregard it. I am fine and was never in the UK. Someone accessed my account.

The post on my blog was fake and was not ME. I was hacked and it has been utterly exhausting trying to rectify this.

Yesterday was hell and I was finally able to re-instate my Facebook account by proving to the FB Team that I am me in a variety of ways. I was glad to have Facebook back, simply because it meant I could communicate with people again.

I am in the process of fixing everything and so far so good. Until further notice, please contact me on Facebook only (Arielle Lee Bair - I'm the only one). I plan to get a new email address shortly, but since my blog has to be associated with a google account, I do not know how I can get around not having gmail.

Please keep me in your thoughts - I had to leave work yesterday and take 4 hours of vacation time just to (begin to) sort this out. Many phone calls from worried people later, I am still in a tizzy over it all. I appreciate all the kind thoughts and concern. Please know that I would never post something like that (or email it).


  1. Arielle,

    I sent you a message on Facebook before, but I forgot to mention that google accounts can be made with any email address of any domain.

    For example, the email account I have with my ISP is associated with my blogger and youtube. You should be able to create a new account with google accounts and ask them to migrate the blogs and youtube account associated with your current gmail address.

    Perhaps you should shoot google's help desk an email asking if it's doable.

    Take care,


  2. So sorry! Best of luck working it out!

  3. I think most of us that watch the videos figured that out. Lets face it if you were going away you would have blogged about it.

    Glad you've gotten the accounts back.


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