Today I was looking at a flower and thinking. I was thinking about the flower in reference to self-destructive behavior and/or thought.
Think of yourself as a flower. And every time you think or say something bad about yourself--or do something bad or negative to yourself--you are ripping a petal off. If you do it enough, pretty soon you'll have no petals left...and you'll be just a stem with nothing left...or worse yet, you will die.
I know that I want to be a beautiful flower, not a dying stem. What about you?
(c) Art by Arielle Lee Becker
Oh, Arielle. You have the most beautiful and inspiring things to say! You have such a wonderful spirit for offering the world inspiration in form of your words and art! The painting is beautiful! (As are you! ;))
love to you, sweet Arielle,
Thanks, ej. :) Your comments always make me smile.
Much love,
I'm glad they do, Arielle. That's what they are intended to do! :)
Have a wonderful day!
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