Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to Talk to Specific People About Your Eating Disorder

We've started a new 4 week rotation which will be as follows:

"Eating Disorders & Different Relationships - Disclosure, communication, & dynamics"
Week 1 (beginning May 14): How to talk about your e/d with people who are NOT friends, family, or significant others, i.e. bosses, co-workers, society at large (like blogging), teachers, coaches, etc.

Week 2 (beginning May 21): The purpose of disclosing and/or discussing your e/d with people (even friends and family) - is it for help, for support, to compare, to shock, to explain, etc? Examining the reasons behind disclosure and discussion of your e/d and what is healthy & helpful (& professional as the case may be, like with a boss or coworkers)

Week 3 (beginning May 28): Eating Disorders & Trust - in romantic relationships and/or friendships, there may be trust issues related to disclosure of eating disorders - discuss this and the things that may be helpful in addressing it

Week 4 (beginning June 4): How your relationship with YOURSELF affects your relationship with others - things to touch on may include self esteem (which we've talked about a lot already), personal fears, self hate, vulnerability, dishonesty with yourself, etc.

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