Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Arielle's Word of the Day #6: WARRIOR

I'm a warrior. A woman warrior. A recovery warrior. I sometimes jokingly refer to myself as the Eating Disorder Slayer. Ha. No, really, I do.

Many of you know me from the YouTube videos I do, without fail, every Wednesday.  I began in 2009 and here we are in 2012... I haven't failed you for 3 years. Sometimes my viewers joke with me, because I start every video the same way... relentlessly...cheerfully...familiarly...

Hi, everyone! It's me, Arielle, and it's Wednesday Warriors!

I'm the Wednesday Warrior lady, kicking your eating disorder's butt one video at a time. Motivational speaking is my thing. I love it. And I love all of you.

I want you to be warriors with me. I want us to be warriors together... our own little (no, not so little actually!) army of non-violent warriors, led by the fearless Eating Disorder Slayer!

You can call me the ED Slayer for short. ;-)

In closing, here's my Wednesday video for this week (a bit less professional than usual, due to a special appearance by my cat):


Cheryl said...

Love this! You're like a non-violent brunette Buffy :-)

Excellent video as always.

Part of it reminded me of a quote I like (I had to look it up, I didn't remember it verbatim!):

Everybody wants to be on the mountaintop, but if you'll remember, mountaintops are rocky and cold. There is no growth on the top of a mountain. Sure, the view's great, but what is a view for? A view just gives us a glimpse of our next destination - our next target. But to hit that target, we must come off the mountain, go through the valley and begin to climb the next slope. It is the valley that we slog through the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life's next peak.

Jenn said...

i've been watching your wednesday warrior videos for a while now and i always look forward to them. you have so much good to say and so much good to offer people.

Woman in Crisis said...

I'm fairly new to your blog a friend of mine recommended it and I'm so impressed by your motivation, inspiration, and insight you give to others...thank you :)

Tracey said...

You know you are totally the ED slayer - you're a kick ass warrior who not only leads the battle charge for so many but who relentlessly pushes forward for herself inspite of all obstacles and beyond that remains ever loving and giving. You are a woman warrior, my warrior sister and I am a better woman for knowing you xxx

Arielle Bair, MSW, LSW said...

Cheryl- that's an excellent quote. :-) and thank you!

Jenn- I'm glad you enjoy the Wednesday videos. It's nice getting to know you better these last few weeks. :-)

Woman in Crisis - so glad you're liking the blog! And so glad you're participating in my blogger challenge! It's great to read new voices. :-) I counseled women in a dv women's shelter by the way - mention this only because I read your blogger profile. You're a brave woman and I respect you! Thank you for the kind words.

Tracey - you doll you! Your words are always so sincere and loving. Thank you. You are a true warrior yourself and I love you very much. Thanks for all you do.

Woman in Crisis said...

I'm sure you had some of the same experiences I had then. I learned far more from being there than I gave out. I'm finishing my BS in crisis counseling before I apply to Grad School and it made me realize it was the right choice.

Although, now that I have a place to myself, I'm enjoying the quiet and lack of 4am knocks on my door. :)